Friday 30 September 2016


Locus amoenus is a literary term which generally refers to an idealized place of safety or comfort. A locus amoenus is usually a beautiful, shady lawn or open woodland, or a group of idyllic islands, sometimes with connotations of Eden or Elysium and comprising typically of trees, grass and water. It is no wonder that Ralph and Russo Autumn Winter 20I5/2016 footwear collection breeds this in every piece. Finished in satin, suede and patent materials with ornamental filigree leaves spiralling naturally up the heel, the Eden Heel pump harks back to the beauty and perfection of a lost paradise. As if from an enchanted fairy-tale, entangled in the dense foliage of the forest and claimed by a wandering damsel, the Eden Heel pump is celestial, refined and romantic. The Eden Heel pump is easily transformed from day to night. The Eden pump is the locus amoenus of the shoe world. 

R&R Autumn Winter 2016/107 footwear collection raises the bar on the dynamism the pair unleashes in the redefinition of what pumps and footwear in general represents. I am mostly intrigued by the rebranded image of the pump heel, easily thought as the piece for simplicity and corporate elegance. But then, with this collection, Ralph and Russo create timeless elegance with the detailing of the heels, marrying them to the image of Greece and all things ethereal. The flowers and well placed leaves incorporated on the heels gives each piece  flexibility  and diversity on occasion and event. Love the shoes, I can literally sleep in them-never take them off.

Dismissing the elegance of each creation is beyond impossible (I have tagged them the vision for my bridal story….the vision lol). Ralph and Russo are likened to the Lebanese who I   categorized Indubitably Masters of Detailing

“Sometimes comfort doesn't matter. When a shoe is freakin' fabulous, it may be worth a subsequent day of misery. Soak in Epsom salts and take comfort in the fact that you're better than everyone else.”  Clinton Kelly

“It doesn't matter how great your shoes are if you don't accomplish anything in them.”  Martina Boone, Compulsion

“The stiletto is a feminine weapon that men just don't have.”  Christian Louboutin

“There are women who only look at another woman's shoes and never at her face.
And others who always look women in the face and only occasionally at their shoes.” 
― Nina GeorgeThe Little Paris Bookshop


The fan pump according to the designers official website is, “Inspired by the spatial elegies of Massimo Listri, the Fan pump is a masterful composition of symmetry and elegance. The curve of the fan, flattering and flawless, revisits the alabaster arches and the sculptured ceilings of ancient castello’s captured by Listri’s artistic perspectives. Available in a variety of satin finishes and exotic skins, from deep burgundy to gold tipped pink python skin, the beautifully structured Fan pump encapsulates the dramatic yet delicate equilibrium of Ralph & Russo’s designs.These shoe are not overly embellished but radiates elegance and would be undeniably, faithful lovers to the feet of any lady of class.

Can't go wrong in these...

In the spirit of the ethereal theme that glows around the designers’ collections, the Alina clutch-The swan feather featuring an ornate metallic feather handle is an undebatable personification of elegance and sophistication. Inspired by the same regal swan that roused the melodies of Tchaikovsky, the fluid jeté of Swan Lake’s Princess and the elegiac prose of W.B Yeats, an intricately carved feather sits majestically atop the clutch, perfectly arched to adorn one’s hand.
It is without doubt that the pair have created a dynasty distinct for the reinvention things thought simple and stereotypic.


“Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!” 
Coco Chanel

Live in the light of elegance. Simplicity is more..


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