So I thought deeply about what could inspire a design asides the feminine curves of the typical woman. Architecture is well known and morbidity has also found its way into the list fashion muse-WEIRD. But what would inspire the rolling of a sewing machine and a tailor's artistic needle? I recently wrote a pieces about THE FOREST BRIDE and then it came like a light on my way to literary Damascus, this could birth a fashion collect.But what really drives the rares set of world changers? How do they know what colours to use and what not to in order to project the the metal vision that storms within? Texture, coulour, mood, aura even personality of a muse tells boldly on what ever is eventually produced by a fashion designer.

On the note of inspirational muse, I tagged my forest bride 'The Quintessential Mo-rest bride'. Yes, this is the African forest bride. Her husband is the jealous Lord of the three heavens. Lol, its a far fetched analogy but a concreted truth. Who weds a woman outside the confirmation of his heart? She is for me,endowed with the finest of Modernity's creation and still dwells among the ferns of the earth and grows in the womb of true worship.
So then, the muse even to the artist of the numeric field is a mystery. She could be sensual or morbid( as some people have so religiously imbibed), religious or indifferent, sane or insane. So says the man, that the artist is a mad man known, roaring from the bowels of his being the cryptic pictures and words to the self acclaimed reliant man (who by the way is the maddest of the mad race).A rebellion against the muse is a muse in itself, '
the art of rebellion'. In music or pictures, phrases or words, people or places, there is a muse to be contended with and only when the texture, personality and truth of her strides have been interpreted do I stand on the side line to watch the burst of creativity, flowing from the point of perspective dream to the catwalk of open realities. Tissue in hand I say,'Qui, she is alive'.
So in my breeding artistry, I thought to make a photo representation of what the African forest bride would be. But since I do not have a sewing machine at hand and my sketch book is for now one of my biggest fans, I had a little help from a model who told me in pictures what her modern African forest bride would look like...Enjoy!!!

Model: Abojonyene Marylen Akpa
Ps...dream wide-how would your modern forest bride look like?...cheers....